Black Friday deal: An AI-powered writing tool for $20

TL;DR: As of November 25, get the Write Bot™ Harness the Power of AI Content Creation Lifetime Pro Subscription for only $19.97 — you’ll save 96%.

You easily write thousands of words a day; you just don’t realize it. From emails to your colleagues to social media posts to exchanging hot gossip with your friends via group chats, there’s a huge likelihood that you’re clacking away thousands of words inadvertently on a daily basis. It’s a different story, however, when you need to write intentionally. Whether it’s putting together a blog post, an e-book, or a script, writing becomes 100% more challenging when you have to craft valuable content.

If you find yourself often staring at a blank page, Write Bot is a tool that can help crush writer’s block. Powered by artificial intelligence, it utilizes machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques to write virtually any piece of content akin to how humans write and convey information. The best part? It churns out thousands of words in seconds. Through November 27, you can score a lifetime premium subscription for Black Friday pricing at just $19.97.

Write Bot may be the secret to writing ten times faster. This tool can handle all your content-generating needs, from generating blog ideas and outlines to coming up with business ideas to brainstorming posts and caption ideas to even writing product descriptions. Whenever you need to create a piece of content, you simply have to choose your use case, key in specific elements that the final output needs to have, and it will use that information to generate your desired content.

Within a few seconds, you’ll have your content in full, ready-to-use format, void of any egregious errors that require extensive editing. If you’re not quite satisfied with the result just yet, you just have to provide more detail or context about the content you want, and Write Bot will revise accordingly. You can also feel free to edit and polish content right on the app, or even have it perform other tasks like translating text and summarizing information.

Normally retailing for $539, you can take advantage of extended Black Friday pricing and grab a lifetime subscription to WriteBot on sale for $19.97 until November 27 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

Prices subject to change.

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